Paper Prints Policy

Paper Prints Policy for Journal of Management & Social Science

The Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS) recognizes the importance of providing authors with options for obtaining copies of their published articles. This policy outlines the various print options available to authors and the associated fees.

1. Print on Demand:

  • JMSS offers a print-on-demand service through our partnership with a reputable printing company.
  • Authors can order single copies or multiples of their published articles at any time after publication.
  • Orders are fulfilled promptly and shipped directly to the author.
  • Prices for print-on-demand copies vary depending on the article length and number of copies ordered. A detailed price list will be provided upon request.

2. Bulk Order Discounts:

  • Authors planning to order a large number of copies (e.g., for distribution at conferences or seminars) may be eligible for a bulk order discount.
  • Please contact the JMSS editorial office for information on bulk order pricing and minimum order requirements.

3. Open Access Articles:

  • Authors of open access articles in JMSS have the right to download and print their own copies for personal use.
  • Commercial use or distribution of open access articles requires permission from the copyright holder (JMSS).

4. Copyright:

  • All articles published in JMSS are copyrighted by the journal.
  • Authors retain non-exclusive publishing rights to their work, meaning they can reuse their articles in other publications with proper citation.
  • However, commercial reproduction or distribution of articles without permission from JMSS is strictly prohibited.

5. Ordering Process:

  • Authors can place print orders by contacting the JMSS editorial office via email or through the online manuscript submission system.
  • Payment for print orders can be made by credit card, bank transfer, or invoice.

6. Delivery:

  • Print-on-demand orders are typically shipped within 48 hours of order placement.
  • Bulk orders may take longer to fulfill depending on the quantity and complexity of the printing job.
  • Shipping costs vary depending on the destination and delivery method.

7. Returns and Refunds:

  • Orders can be cancelled before printing begins for a full refund.
  • Once printed, orders cannot be cancelled or refunded unless there is a defect in the printing or binding.